Reliable business partner
Purchasing department

Aiming at the leadership of ATAMIRAS.S, promptly fulfilling warranty obligations taking into account the profitability of long-term cooperation, provides quality service adapted to the individual needs of the partner, overcoming and coping with all kinds of obstacles, regardless of the scale and features of the project.

Cost reduction
Business process automation
Minimum markup

Мариева Дамира Даулетовна

Менеджер отд. закупа по импорту

+7 701 006 31 33 inner 2043

+7 7252 38 01 63

Аймешова Мейрамгуль Оразтаевна

Старший менеджер отдела закупа

+7 775 030 07 00 inner 2037

Токаева Гулнур Мыктыбековна

Менеджер отдела закупа

+7 778 155 24 81 inner 1012

+7 7252 38 01 63

Бакбатирова Жанар Халметовна

Менеджер отдела закупа

+7 775 030 07 00 inner 2034

Рахимова Айнагуль Рахимовна

Менеджер отдела закупа

+7 775 030 07 00 inner 2035

Тоқтарбек Нұргүл Сәбитқызы

Менеджер отдела закупа

+7 777 221 64 17 inner 4004
Our partners

Currently, more than 9,000 partners work with us on the territory of Kazakhstan, of which: 93.5% of them are pharmacy chains, 6.0% are interregional distributors, 0.5% are medical and prophylactic institutions.

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