Aiming at the leadership of ATAMIRAS.S, promptly fulfilling warranty obligations taking into account the profitability of long-term cooperation, provides quality service adapted to the individual needs of the partner, overcoming and coping with all kinds of obstacles, regardless of the scale and features of the project.
Менеджер отд. закупа по импорту
Старший менеджер отдела закупа
Менеджер отдела закупа
Менеджер отдела закупа
Менеджер отдела закупа
Менеджер отдела закупа
Currently, more than 9,000 partners work with us on the territory of Kazakhstan, of which: 93.5% of them are pharmacy chains, 6.0% are interregional distributors, 0.5% are medical and prophylactic institutions.